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About Kiera


Kiera L Jones is a qualified nurse and Soul Midwife. She was a community nurse for six years, and a community Palliative Care Nurse for 5 years, supporting people to remain at home and to die at home, where this is their place of choice.


For the past 5 years she has worked in an independent Hospice in West Wales.


Kiera has also been working with complementary therapies for over 15 years and has seen the powerful changes to people's health and well-being that have resulted from a truly holistic approach such as this. 


Kiera qualified as a Soul Midwife in 2012, which enables her to support people to live their final months, weeks and days in the place and way they would most like, doing the things they enjoy doing and on their own terms as far as is practicable.


Through combining her knowlege and skills as a palliative care nurse and Soul Midwife, Kiera is able to tailor end of life care to the needs of the individual, providing a truly bespoke service.



Kiera has been working with Reiki for over fifteen years, and is a Reiki Master Teacher, teaching Reiki healing at all levels both to individual students and to groups. Kiera also teaches Indian Head Massage, for more information about courses and workshops visit 'Courses and Events' or if you would like Kiera to come and talk about Soul Midwifery for your group or event, please get in touch.



Kiera is also a qualified laughter yoga leader and is available for workshops at your event or workplace...



​Contact Kiera L Jones


07855 356009

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